July 2018
Dear Parents and Guardians:
Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year! I am thrilled to start another year at Roscomare Road. I wholeheartedly cherish the responsibility you have entrusted in me as your child’s principal. I am lucky to be working with talented and dedicated teachers and staff, as well as amazing students and families. With your support, I am looking forward to another exciting, action-packed year full of new learning, new friends, and new opportunities.
Although it is still summer and it may not seem like it’s time for school, we are already preparing for the new school year. Please review the information below, the enclosed tentative calendar, and the volunteer flyer as you prepare for a great year at Roscomare Road.
- The First day of school is Tuesday, August 14, 2018. Dismissal is at 1:43 p.m.
- Regular school hours are 8:15 a.m. – 2:43 p.m. (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday).
- Every Tuesday, school hours are 8:15 a.m. – 1:43 p.m.
- On minimum days, school hours are 8:00 a.m. – 12:29 p.m
- The first day of school, students should report directly to their new classrooms.
- Remember, parking is limited and there is additional traffic the first few weeks of school. Volunteers are always needed to help direct traffic. Most parents must park on the street. Please be patient, come early to avoid traffic, and be respectful of our neighbors. Remember, student safety comes first!
- Classroom assignments will be posted in front of the school on Monday, August 13th, at 5:00 p.m. Students cannot be placed based on parent requests, and I do not personally place students. Teachers are required to create equitable classes based on student demographics, needs, language classification, and special services. Please note that changes will not be considered. Please do not send an email or come to the office to request a classroom change. Classroom assignments are final unless changes are required to accommodate an increase or decrease in enrollment.
- Students are not officially enrolled until they are present in class, even if the student was enrolled last year. If a student does not come the first day of school, he/she must re-enroll.
- Students without appropriate immunizations and address verification documents will not be enrolled.
- Students cannot be dropped off before 7:30 a.m. Yard supervision doesn’t start until 7:30 a.m.
Kiss and Ride is our morning parent-operated valet program. It starts at 7:30 a.m. In order for
this service to continue, parents must volunteer and follow the rules. Each class will be assigned specific weeks to run this safety program. You are also encouraged to volunteer whenever you are available. The Kiss and Ride parent volunteers will try to get students out of their cars and into the school as safely and as quickly as possible. Parents can use Kiss and Ride as long as they follow the rules and volunteer. Kindergarten/TK students can begin using Kiss and Ride after October 1st.
- Parents must wait in front of the school or in the lunch area until the bell rings when picking up students. Parents cannot wait in front of classrooms, talk to teachers, or walk around the school.
- After school, parents must get out of their car to pick up their child and should not ask staff to walk their child to their car. There are drive-through lanes that must remain clear and students cannot leave the curb without an adult. Do not block gates, driveways, and other cars, or attempt to create a parking space. Following the rules and being patient improves student safety.
- Parents and other adults picking up students are required to follow the staff’s directions at all time.
- Parents are responsible for the safety and care of their children after the bell rings. Teachers, staff, and the principal do not supervise students after school. Students must be picked up immediately after school unless they are enrolled in an after school program/class (after school options will be sent home). Only 2nd – 5th grade students can enroll in and participate in the Beyond the Bell playground program, which allows students to play on the yard after school. Kindergarten/TK and 1st grade students cannot stay and play on the structure or on the yard after school unless they have signed up with STAR – even if they have older siblings or an adult accompanying them after school. The playground is only for students enrolled in an after school program.
- Kindergarten/TK and 1st grade students must sign up for STAR, a FOR class, or be picked up when the bell rings by an adult (over 18 years of age). Please list any adults picking up your child(ren) on the emergency form. Students cannot wait in the office.
- It is mandatory that students have shoes with both closed toes and closed heels (no sandals). The shoes should allow your child to participate comfortably in physical education. Please keep in mind that our students are outside during recess and lunch and are subject to sun exposure. Student clothing should be modest and should not have offensive language or pictures.
- Friday is Rosco Spirit Day each week. Students should wear Roscomare shirts, shorts, pants, and/or hats. Rosco spirit wear is sold on Fridays.
- Lunch can be purchased in the cafeteria for $3.00. A snack can be purchased for $2.25. Parents can pre-pay for meals for their child(ren) either directly in the cafeteria or online. If you need assistance, the cafeteria manager is available between 7:30 a.m. and 8:15 a.m. Free and reduced meal applications are also available. For information go to: https://achieve.lausd.net/cafela.
- If a child forgets his/her lunch, he/she can borrow money from our small lunch fund to pay for a school lunch (not snack). Please submit $3.00 to the office the next day. The lunch fund is set up by our generous office staff. Students should not bring glass food containers.
- Roscomare counts on our great parent volunteers. For the safety of our students, parents who regularly volunteer and/or chaperone field trips must complete the LAUSD volunteer process. One-day volunteer forms are not accepted. Please go to: https://volunteerapp.lausd.net to complete an application. Parents must reregister each year. TB clearances are good for several years. Please see the enclosed flyer.
- If you would like to become more involved in the Roscomare family, please join us for the first Friends of Roscomare (FOR) meeting on September 7th at 8:30 a.m. in the library. The money raised by FOR pays for our computer teacher, science teacher, art teacher, music teacher and PE coaches. FOR also pays for instructional aides, school beautification projects, field trips, and other special programs.
- Please adhere to the Visitor’s Policy sent home the first week of school.
- Every Friday morning we have a weekly assembly. Join us for our first assembly of the year on Friday, August 17th at 8:15 a.m. to learn more about why Roscomare Rocks!
- Please visit our website https://friends.roscomareroadschool.net/ for more information. In addition, please review the enclosed tentative calendar. If you are a new family, please review our New Family Guide on our website under “Enroll.”
- Parents receive weekly updates through my weekly Sunday phone calls and our Sunday enewsletter, the Rosco Reader. Please subscribe to the weekly Rosco Reader by clicking “sign-up” on the bottom of the front page of our website. If you don’t receive weekly phone calls, you will not receive emergency messages. Please ensure that the main office has your correct phone number.
- If you are a new parent, please come to the Orientation on Wednesday, August 8th at 8:30 a.m.
- The first few weeks of school, forms and additional school and district information will be sent home. Please read these forms carefully. Some of them need to completed and returned. Check your child’s backpack daily.
I look forward to a successful 2018-2019 school year. Our priority is to provide meaningful learning experiences in a safe environment through innovative, enriching, and challenging curriculum. I am proud of our outstanding teachers, and our school community’s involvement and spirit. We count on you to be part of our success. See you Tuesday, August 14th!
Dr. Denise Collier
Dr. Denise Collier
Roscomare Road Elementary School
2425 Roscomare Road, Los Angeles CA 90077
Phone (310) 472-9829
“The Road to Excellence”