Team Meetings: Mondays and Wednesdays (on school days) 2:45 pm to 4:15 pm, Room 10. After school sessions will begin with a robotics lesson and conclude with students working on team robots. Each team will have two robots.
Competition location and dates:
Tbd based on competition host availability. Typically once a month October – January. There will be one online interview for each team. The date will be determined in December and will be within the two weeks prior to the final league competition.
Expectations for Team Members
- Students will commit to all meetings and competitions.
- Students will fully participate and document their work activities at each session.
- Students will use technology appropriately.
- Students will collaborate and be respectful during practice sessions and competitions.
- Students will take care of Robotics parts and equipment. They will organize and clean up their workspace before leaving the classroom.
- Students acknowledge that they are ambassadors for Roscomare Road Elementary school and the Robotics program.
Expectations for Parents/Guardians
- Parents will make sure that students attend all meetings and competitions.
- A parent will volunteer at least 2 hours through league season and help at competitions.
- Parents acknowledge that a student may be asked to leave the team if they are frequently absent or do not follow team rules.
- Parents will provide transportation to all competitions.
Teacher: Miss O’Dell
Class Location: First meeting is in Room #10
Payments are neither refundable nor transferrable.